Friday, 21 September 2018

Radio Frequency with its Different Bands

Have you heard about radio frequency? Radio frequency (RF) is a measurement that represents the electromagnetic radiation spectrum or electromagnetic radio waves rate which represents from the 300 GHz to 3 KHz. Most importantly, the RF field is used for wireless broadcasting and communication purposes. To check the strength of the signal RF spectrum analyzer is used. Importantly, RF spectrum analyzer is the most important electronic device for a radio frequency engineer. To offer the best and flawless network, the spectrum analyzer is used. In this blog, we have mentioned some of the important places where radio frequency with its different bands are used. 

Aircraft navigation- As RF is categorized between different bands, for aircraft navigation, VHF (Very high frequency) are used. As aircrafts fly on 1500 ft and to communicate at such a high level you need a very high-frequency band.  

Satellite systems- SHF (super high frequency) is in the range of 3 GHz to 30 GHz. It can only operate in a line of sight path since any obstruction in between the transmitter and receiving station will break the communication. In the case of satellite communication, SHF is required as it needs point to point communication and there is a great chance of loss of signals. In addition, the wavelength and the complexity both are short in case of SHF.

Marine radio- In marine radio VLF is used that range from 3 kHz to 30 KHz. The design and installation of the antenna system are quite complex due to the wavelength. It is used in submarines, radio station that synchronizes clock signals between two remote locations.

Mobile networks- Low frequency (LF) has a range from 30 KHz to 300 KHz used for mobile networks. LF is easily reflected by the ionosphere present above the earth. This can be easily used for long distances communication purposes. It gets less attenuated from the large and harsh terrains such as mountains. It is also known as ground waves.

To better the performance of the wireless communication system, there are certain technical devices used. To know more about the radio frequency bands and its uses in different places, Click Here.

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